Friday, April 15, 2011

Advice please!!

Hey Everyone,
  Sorry my blogs are so spread out, but like I've said news is good news! As of now I'm 26 weeks pregnant with means I will be on bed rest in 7 weeks and the twins should make their debut in 10 short weeks!
Now that things are smooth sailing time is flying by! Other then typical pregnancy pains I am doing great and getting larger by the minute. Next Friday I will do my Glucose test and I have a feeling I won't be passing...I've been having major blood sugar problems so I wouldn't be surprised at all...but let's hope for the best:)

Okay, now I want to let you guys in on a gift I'm making for the twins who have taken over my body! I'm making a baby book. I'm not a scrap Booker so I'm a bit nervous about how it may turn out but I'm going to give it a whirl...I'm really excited and I'm full of creative ideas, however, I need your help (again)

1. Ladies, I need womanly advice to add to an "advice column" in the scrap book. As you know these girls will not have a mother so what motherly advice do you have for two growing girls?! 

2. Ladies, these daddies will have their hands full of estrogen...any advice on how to deal with little girls?

3. Letters and/or words of encouragement!

Please, I want this to be special and full of "a womans touch" so send your answers to me via comment or email

Thanks again for your love and support! 

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